[POPULATION] 80 ;PopulationSize 0.8 ;ReproductionFactor {probability of reproduction process, when creating next generation member} 0.003 ;MutationFactor {probability of a one-bit mutation} 1 ;CrossOverType {0=single 1=multiple} 0.1 ;CrossOverFactor {for multiple crossovers, probability of a crossover at one position} 400 ;MaxNumberOfGenerations [BASEFUNCTION] 4 ;InputWidth {cardinality of a base function} 0.1 ;ZeroValue {Boolean->Real conversion} 0.9 ;OneValue {Boolean->Real conversion} 0.5 ;Threshold {Real->Boolean conversion} [NEURALNETWORK] 4 ;first (input) layer neuron count 4 ;second layer neuron count 1 ;third (output) layer neuron count 4 ;SigmoidParameter 3 ;LayerCount [STATISTICS] 1 ;ShowCrossoverCount 7 ;AnimateDelay {how often to display progress}