Algorithm 2.2.1 Square Linear System gaussel.c (4,973)
Algorithm 2.2.2 Inverse of a Matrix matinv.c (5,090)
Algorithm 2.2.3 Determinant, Using Ordinary Elimination deter.c (2,335)
Algorithm 2.2.7 Characteristic Polynomial and Adjoint Matrix charpoly.cpp (2,634)
Algorithm 2.2.9 Hessenberg hessen.c (3,800)
Algorithm 2.3.1 Kernel of a Matrix kernel.c (5,144)
Algorithm 2.3.2 Image of a Matrix image.c (4,477)
Algorithm 2.3.4 Inverse Image iimatrix.c (4,254)
Algorithm 2.3.6 Supplement a Basis sbasis.c (3,914)
Algorithm 2.4.5 Hermite Normal Form hermite4.c freelip (3,860)
Algorithm 2.4.14 Smith Normal Form smith.c (3,963)
Algorithm 2.6.3 LLL Algorithm lll.c (6,395)
Algorithm 2.6.7 Integral LLL Algorithm intlll.c freelip (9,120)