Exercise 1.3 "Sometimes it is useful to choose a key such that the encryption operation is identical to the decryption operation. In the case of the Hill Cipher, we would be looking for matrices K such that K = K ^ {-1} (such a matrix is called involutory). In fact, Hill recommended the use of involutory matrices as keys in his cipher. Determine the number of involutory matrices (over Z_26) in the case m = 2. HINT Use the formula given in Theorem 1.3 and observe that det A = +-1 for an involutory matrix over Z_26." -Douglas R. Stinson- See "Cryptography: Theory and Practice" by Douglas R. Stinson page 41. From Theorem 1.3 page 17 we have A = | a[1][1] a[1][2] | | a[2][1] a[2][2] | A ^ {-1} = (det A) ^ {-1} | a[2][2] - a[1][2] | | - a[2][1] a[1][1] | det A = a[1][1] * a[2][2] - a[1][2] * a[2][1] = +-1 a[1][1] = a[2][2] a[1][2] = - a[1][2] = 0 a[2][1] = - a[2][1] = 0 So we have x = a[1][1] = a[2][2] x * x = +-1 mod 26. x = 1, 5, 21, 25. Thus we have four involutory matrices of order m = 2 over Z_26.