STUDENTS.CHI: The STUDENTS.CHI mailing list has been established by the SIGCHI Extended Executive Committee (EEC) and Xerox (the corporate sponsor of the CHI email distribution lists). The objective of STUDENTS.CHI is to distribute information and share perspectives of particular concern to students involved in any aspect of the human factors and computing field. The Human-Computer Interaction field (HCI) focuses on the research, design, development and evaluation of human-computer communication and interaction. Other distribution lists include: announcements.chi Broadcasts messages of general interest educators.chi Discussion of education in HCI issues ii.chi Messages related to intelligent interfaces intercultural.chi Cross-cultural issues and SIGCHI socialaction.chi Discussion of CHI-related Social Issues techprogram.chi Long range planning of CHI conf. program vision.chi Discussions related to the future of SIGCHI To be added to a mailing list, send a list of the CHI lists that you want to receive to Nick Briggs at "". AI-CHI: wiley! All requests to be added to or deleted from this list, problems, questions, etc., should be sent to wiley!ai-chi-request@LLL-LCC.LLNL.GOV. [This machine seems to be defunct. Anybody knowing the new location of the mailing list should send mail to]Go Back Up