[29] Logic Programming, Prolog

Prolog and Logic Programming:
   prolog@sushi.stanford.edu (general)
   prolog-hackers@sushi.stanford.edu (nitty gritty)

   All requests to be added to or deleted from this list, problems,
   questions, etc., should be sent to prolog-request@sushi.stanford.edu

   [The host sushi.stanford.edu no longer exists, as of 11/24/92.
    Does anybody know the new location of the mailing lists?]

Concurrent Logic Programming:  [Mail to jlevy bounces. 8/18/93 mk]
   clp-request.All_Areas@xerox.com ??

   All requests to be added to or deleted from this list, problems,
   questions, etc., should be sent to clp-request.x@xerox.com or to
   Jacob Levy <jlevy.pa@xerox.com>.

Constraint Logic Programming:


   Mailing list for the teaching and study of elementary logic. 

   To subscribe, send a message to listserv@bucknell.edu with
      sub logic-l <your name>
   in the message body.


   Mailing list for logic programming and non-monotonic reasoning.

   Send mail to lpnmr-request@ms.uky.edu to subscribe.
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