[3] Dial-up AI-related Bulletin Board Systems

The primary AI-related dial-up bulletin board systems are:

   The Interocitor  214-258-1832 (Fido 1:124/2206) V.32bis (14.4kbps)
           SysOp: Steve Rainwater  Hours: 24
           Desc: NCC AI CD-ROM submission site, general AI archive.
                 Free access 1/2 hour per day.

   ShadeTree BBS    412-244-9416 (Fido 1:129/124)  V.22bis (2400bps)
           SysOp: Bill Keller      Hours: 8:30pm-8:30am only
           Desc: Oriented toward beginners in the field.

   C.N.S. BBS       509-627-6267 (Fido 1:347/303)  USR HST (9600bps)
           SysOp: Wesley Elsberry  Hours: 24
           Desc: Best source for neural network related information.

   Cognitive Development BBS 01256-50086 (It'l 44-1256-50086) 8/N/1 (14.4kbps)
           SysOp: Matthew Probert <probert@servile.dungeon.com>
           Desc: Lisp, Prolog, Expert Systems, NLP, Turing Test
Fuzzy Logic Related BBS's:

   Aptronix FuzzyNet:
      408-428-1883  N/8/1        1200-19,200 baud    

   The Turning Point:
      512-219-7828  N/8/1 DS/HST 1200-19,200 baud (LIBRARY)
      512-219-7848  N/8/1 DS/HST 1200-19,200 baud

   Motorola FREEBBS:
      512-891-3733  E/7/1        1200-9600   baud

   Electronic Design News (EDN) BBS:
      617-558-4241  N/8/1        1200-9600   baud

Neural Networks Related BBS's:
   Central Neural System, 409-737-5222
                          8-N-1, 300-14,400 bps v.32bis or HST
                      or NEURAL_NET Echo from FidoNet 1:117/385
   Operated by Wesley R. Elsberry, 6070 Sea Isle, Galveston, TX 77554.
   E-mail: welsberr@orca.tamu.edu 
   URL: http://www.rtis.com/nat/user/elsberry
   Elsberry will mail you files if you send him a DOS diskette, SASE,
   and a list of file names from his F3407_2.ZIP or CNS_FILE.LST index
   in the ARTICLES area. You'll need the InfoZip compression program,
   which is compatible with the PKZ204G distribution.
   The files are mirrored on 
      me.uta.edu:/pub/neural/  []
   Source code for this program for PC/Mac/Unix/Atari is included in
   the COMPRESS file area. CNS contains a variety of neural-network,
   genetic algorithms, fuzzy logic, artificial life, and AI code,
   mostly for PCs, but some for Unix and Mac. 

Online Services AI Forums:

   Delphi			GO CUST 206
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