
Archive-name: ai-faq/general/part3
Last-Modified: Thu Nov 21 19:53:26 1996 by Mark Kantrowitz
Version: 1.31
Maintainer: Mark Kantrowitz <>
Size: 64161 bytes, 1512 lines

;;; ****************************************************************
;;; Answers to Questions about Artificial Intelligence *************
;;; ****************************************************************
;;; Written by Mark Kantrowitz
;;; ai_3.faq

This part of the AI FAQ provides a list of AI-related associations and

Part 3 (AI-related Associations and Journals):
   List of AI-related associations and journals, organized by subfield.

   [0]  General Information

   [1a] Associations (General AI)
   [1b] Associations (General AI, in a particular country)
   [1c] Associations (Applied AI)
   [1d] Associations (Natural Language Processing)
   [1e] Associations (Cognitive Science)
   [1f] Associations (Robotics)
   [1g] Associations (Philosophy of AI)
   [1h] Associations (Neural Networks)
   [1i] Associations (Fuzzy Logic)
   [1j] Associations (Genetic Algorithms)
   [1k] Associations (AI and Law)

   [2a] Journals (General AI)
   [2b] Journals (Applied AI)
   [2c] Journals (AI and ???, where ??? is Database Management,
        Education, Engineering, Law, Manufacturing, Medicine, or Society)
   [2d] Journals (Automated Reasoning)
   [2e] Journals (Cognitive Science)
   [2f] Journals (Complex Systems, Artificial Life, Adaptive Behavior)
   [2g] Journals (Concurrent Engineering)
   [2h] Journals (Engineering)
   [2i] Journals (Expert Systems)
   [2j] Journals (Fuzzy Logic)
   [2k] Journals (Genetic Algorithms)
   [2l] Journals (HCI, User Modeling)
   [2m] Journals (Logic Programming)
   [2n] Journals (Machine Learning)
   [2o] Journals (NLP/Speech/MT)
   [2p] Journals (Neural Nets/Connectionism)
   [2q] Journals (Object-oriented Programming)
   [2r] Journals (Pattern Recognition)
   [2s] Journals (Reasoning Under Uncertainty)
   [2t] Journals (Robotics)
   [2v] Journals (Virtual Reality)
   [2w] Journals (Vision)
   [2x] Miscellaneous (Design, ...)

   [3]  Newsletters

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