[30] Blackboard Architectures


   Penny Nii, "Blackboard Systems", AI Magazine 7(3), 1986.

   Daniel D. Corkill, "Blackboard Systems", AI Expert 6(9):40-47,
   September 1991. [An unabridged copy of this paper can be found
   at http://www.bbtech.com/bibli.html]


   Ian D. Craig, "Blackboard Systems", Ablex, Norwood, NJ, 1994.
   240 pages, ISBN 1-56750-029-3 paper ($24.50). 
   [Tutorial introduction/text.]

Paper Collections:

   Robert S. Engelmore and Anthony Morgan, editors, "Blackboard
   Systems", Addison-Wesley, 1988. 
   [Contains all classic papers on blackboard systems up to around
    1986; some papers were revised for this book.]

   V. Jagannathan, Rajendra Dodhiawala, and Lawrence S. Baum, editors,
   "Blackboard Architectures and Applications", Academic Press, 1989
   [Research efforts from 1986 to 1988.]
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