[5-2a] FTP and Other Resources: Agents -- Planning

In addition to programs available free by anonymous ftp, we've
included some programs which are available by contacting the authors,
and some programs which charge a nominal fee.

Agent Modelling:

   ANIMALS is a simulation system written by Toby Tyrrell,
   <toby@castle.ed.ac.uk>, for his PhD thesis.  The thesis examines the
   problem of action selection when dealing with realistic, animal-like
   situations: how to choose, at each moment in time, the most
   appropriate out of a repertoire of possible actions.  It includes a
   description is given of a simulated environment which is an extensive
   and detailed simulation of the problem of action selection for
   animals.  This simulated environment is used to investigate the
   adequacy of several theories of action selection (from both ethology
   and artificial intelligence) such as the drive model, Lorenz's
   psycho-hydraulic model and Maes' spreading activation network, and
   outlines deficiencies in each mechanism. Finally, it proposes a new
   approach to action selection is developed which determines the most
   appropriate action in a principled way, and which does not suffer from
   the inherent shortcomings found in other methods. The thesis includes
   a review and bibliography of existing work on action selection. The
   thesis is available by anonymous ftp from 
      ftp.ed.ac.uk:/pub/lrtt/ []
   as the files as.1.ps.Z, as.2.ps.Z, ..., and as.7.ps.Z.
   The simulation software is also available from the same site, as the
   file se.tar.Z. The simulation software was written in Suntools rather
   than Xtools.  It can be run only from SunView or OpenWindows.  The
   action selection problem modelled by the simulated environment
   comprises 15 different `sub-problems' (getting food, reproducing, not
   getting lost, being vigilant for predators, etc), many internal and
   external stimuli, and 35 different low-level actions to select

   ViewGen (Viewpoint Generator) is a Prolog program that implements a
   "Belief Ascription Algorithm" as described in Ballim and Wilks (see the
   bibliography section on User Modelling).  This can be seen as a form of
   agent modelling tool, which allows for the generation of arbitrarily deep
   nested belief spaces based on the system's own beliefs, and on beliefs 
   that are typically held by groups of agents.  ViewGen is available by
   anonymous ftp from 
      crl.nmsu.edu:/pub/non-lexical/ViewFinder [] (user anonymous)
      ftp.ims.uni-stuttgart.de:/pub/ballim    [] (user ftp)
   as the file ViewGen.tar.Z. The theory of belief ascription upon which
   it is based is described in detail in Ballim and Wilks, and a general
   framework for attributing and maintaining nested propositional
   attitudes is described in Afzal Ballim's dissertation which is
   archived with the Viewgen program (in the files 
   the variable part indicating the format of the PostScript file).
   The inheritance reasoner is in the file vf-hetis.tar.Z.
   Implemented in Sicstus prolog, and hence easily convertible to
   any Edinburgh-style prolog. Contact Afzal Ballim <afzal@divsun.unige.ch>
   for more information. 

Analogical Reasoning:

   SME      -- multivac.ils.nwu.edu:/pub/SME
               Contact: Brian Falkenhainer <falkenhainer@parc.xerox.com>
                        Ken Forbus <forbus@ils.nwu.edu>
               the Structure-Mapping Engine, as described in Falkenhainer,
               Forbus, and Gentner's 1987 AIJ article.  

Artificial Life:

   Tierra is an artificial life system for studying the evolution of
   digital organisms. Tierra consists of a virtual computer and its
   operating system, whose architecture has been designed in such a way
   that the executable machine codes are evolvable.  This means that the
   machine code can be mutated (by flipping bits at random) or recombined
   (by swapping segments of code between algorithms), and the resulting
   code remains functional enough of the time for natural (or presumably
   artificial) selection to be able to improve the code over time.
   Tierra runs in Unix and MS-DOS. Source code and documentation is
   available by anonymous ftp at 
      tierra.slhs.udel.edu:/almond/ []
   or equivalently from 
      life.slhs.udel.edu:/almond/   []
   To be added to either the 
      tierra-announce (official announcements only) or 
      tierra-digest (moderated discussion plus announcements)
   mailing lists, send mail to tierra-request@life.slhs.udel.edu.
   Send bug reports to tierra-bug@life.slhs.udel.edu. Written by Tom Ray,
   <ray@life.slhs.udel.edu>.  [Tom's Current email is ray@hip.atr.co.jp;
   mail to ray@udel.edu will be forwarded.] For those without access to
   anonymous ftp, the Tierra software may be obtained on disk (DOS
   executables) from Virtual Life, 25631 Jorgensen Rd., Newman, CA 95360.
   Virtual Life will also be offering a PC version of Karl Sims'
   evolutionary art system, called Darwinin Art.

Blackboard Architectures:

   GBB (PD Version) -- ftp.cs.umass.edu:/gbb/

Case-based Reasoning:

   CL-Protos   -- cs.utexas.edu:/pub/porter/
                  Contact: Bruce W. Porter <porter@cs.utexas.edu>
                           Ray Bareiss <bareiss@ils.nwu.edu>
                           Erik Eilerts <eilerts@cs.utexas.edu>
                           Dan Dvorak 

   MICRO-xxx  -- cs.umd.edu:/pub/schank/icbr/
                 Contact: waander@cs.umd.edu
                 The directory /pub/schank/icbr/ contains the complete
                 code for "Inside Case-Based Reasoning" by
                 Riesbeck and Schank, 1989. This includes code
                 for an instructional version of CHEF by Kristian Hammond.


   The SAN Kit chess programming C source toolkit provides common routines
   for move notation I/O, move generation, move execution, etc. Only search
   routines and an evaluation function need be added to obtain a working
   chess program. It runs on Apple Macintosh (Think C 5.0),
   Commodore Amiga (SAS C), MS-DOS, and Unix. It is available by
   anonymous ftp from
      raven.alaska.edu:/pub/coherent/sources32/ [] in the
   as the compressed tar file SAN.tar.Z or SAN.tar.gz.
   Contact Steven J. Edwards <sje@world.std.com> for more information.

   valkyries.andrew.cmu.edu:/pub/misc/chess/ []
   This site has the SCP package, a restructured ANSI C port of
   the 1987 Stanback Chess Program.

   PGN (Portable Game Notation) is a specification for a standard move
   notation system that has been adopted by many programs and toolkits. 
   It is available by anonymous ftp as

   Many chess-related materials are available from chess.lm.com:/pub/chess/

Complex Systems:

   A list of resources for Complex Adaptive Systems is maintained by
   Alex Mallet, including information about chaos theory, genetic
   programming, artificial life, and neural networks. To get a copy by
   email, send a message to 
   in the subject line. A hypertext version is available by WWW from
   Send corrections to Alex Mallet <ale@eniac.seas.upenn.edu>.
Constraint Programming and Non-determinism:


   Screamer is an extension of Common Lisp that adds support for
   nondeterministic programming.  Screamer consists of two levels.  The
   basic nondeterministic level adds support for backtracking and
   undoable side effects.  On top of this nondeterministic substrate,
   Screamer provides a comprehensive constraint programming language in
   which one can formulate and solve mixed systems of numeric and
   symbolic constraints.  Together, these two levels augment Common Lisp
   with practically all of the functionality of both Prolog and
   constraint logic programming languages such as CHiP and CLP(R).
   Furthermore, Screamer is fully integrated with Common Lisp. Screamer
   programs can coexist and interoperate with other extensions to Common
   Lisp such as CLOS, CLIM and Iterate.

   In several ways Screamer is more efficient than other implementations
   of backtracking languages.  First, Screamer code is transformed into
   Common Lisp which can be compiled by the underlying Common Lisp
   system.  Many competing implementations of nondeterministic Lisp are
   interpreters and thus are far less efficient than Screamer.  Second,
   the backtracking primitives require fairly low overhead in Screamer.
   Finally, this overhead to support backtracking is only paid for those
   portions of the program which use the backtracking primitives.
   Deterministic portions of user programs pass through the Screamer to
   Common Lisp transformation unchanged.  Since in practise, only small
   portions of typical programs utilize the backtracking primitives,
   Screamer can produce more efficient code than compilers for languages
   in which backtracking is more pervasive.

   Screamer is fairly portable across most Common Lisp implementations.
   It currently runs under Genera 8.1.1 and 8.3 on both Symbolics 36xx
   and Ivory machines, under Lucid 4.0.2 and 4.1 on Sun SPARC machines,
   under MCL 2.0 and 2.0p2 on Apple Macintosh machines, and under Poplog
   Common Lisp on Sun SPARC machines.  It should run under any
   implementation of Common Lisp which is compliant with CLtL2 and with
   minor revision could be made to run under implementations compliant
   with CLtL1 or dpANS.

   Screamer is available by anonymous FTP from 
   Contact Jeffrey Mark Siskind <qobi@ai.mit.edu> for further information.

   The Screamer Tool Repository, a collection of user-contributed
   Screamer code, is available by anonymous ftp from
   or by WWW from
   Please direct all inquires about the repository to

Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery in Databases:

   Explora is a data mining package written in Lisp for the Macintosh. It
   includes a natural language hypertext-type interface for presentation
   of dicoveries. It is available by anonymous FTP from 
   as the files Explora.sit.hqx and README. For more information, see

   INSPECT is a PC-based data mining tool with visualization and neural
   networks. It is available by anonymous FTP from
   See the readme.txt file for details.

Defeasible Reasoning:

   An implementation of J. Paris and A. Vencovska's model of belief is
   available by anonymous ftp from
   Paris and Vencovska's paper (Artificial Intelligence, 64(2), December
   1993) provides a mathematical model of an agent's belief in an event
   by identifying it with his ability to imagine the event within the
   context of his previous experience.  This approach leads to beliefs
   having properties different from those normally ascribed to it. The
   implementation was written by Ian Pratt <ipratt@cs.man.ac.uk> and Jens
   Doerpmund <dorpmunj@cs.man.ac.uk> and runs in Common Lisp.

Eliza and Similar Programs:

   For a large collection of Eliza programs, see

   The software from Peter Norvig's book "Paradigms of AI Programming" is
   available by anonymous ftp from unix.sri.com:/pub/norvig/ and on disk in
   Macintosh or DOS format from the publisher, Morgan Kaufmann. The
   software includes Common Lisp implementations of: Eliza and pattern
   matchers, Emycin, Othello, Parsers, Scheme interpreters and compilers,
   Unification and a prolog interpreter and compiler, Waltz
   line-labelling, implementation of GPS, macsyma, and random number
   generators.  For more information, write to Morgan Kaufmann, Dept. P1,
   2929 Campus Drive, Suite 260, San Mateo CA 94403, call 800-745-7323,
   or fax 415-578-0672. (Mac ISBN 1-55860-227-5; DOS 3.5" ISBN
   1-55860-228-3; or DOS 5.25" ISBN 1-55860-229-1).

   The doctor.el is an implementation of Eliza for GNU-Emacs
   emacs-lisp. Invoke it with "Meta-X doctor".

   Source code for ELIZA in Prolog (implemented by Viren
   Patel) is available by ftp from aisun1.ai.uga.edu.

   muLISP-87 (a MSDOS Lisp sold by Soft Warehouse) includes
   a Lisp implementation of Eliza.

   Compute!'s Gazette, June 1984, includes source for a BASIC
   implementation of Eliza. You can also find it in 101 more computer
   games, edited by David Ahl, published by Creative Computing (alas,
   they're defunct, and the book is out of print).

   Herbert Schildt "Artificial Intelligence using C", McGraw-Hill, 1987,
   ISBN 0-07-881255-0, pp315-338, includes a simple version of DOCTOR.

   ucsd.edu:/pub/pc-ai contains implementations of Eliza for the IBM PC.

   eecs.nwu.edu:/pub/eliza/ contains several Eliza implementations. 

   The original Parry (in MLISP for a PDP-10) is available in

   RACTER is *not* public domain.  It costs $50 for MS-DOS and Macintosh
   versions, the Inrac compiler is $200 (MS-DOS only), and the Inrac
   manual alone is $25. Racter is available from John Owens, INRAC
   Corp./Nickers International Ltd., 12 Schubert Street, Staten Island,
   NY 10305, Tel: 718-448-6283, or Fax: 718-448-6298.  Racter was
   published in 1984, and written in compiled BASIC. To read some of
   RACTER's work, see "The Policeman's Beard is Half Constructed",
   Computer Prose and Poetry by Racter, Warner Books, 1984.  ISBN
   0-446-38051-2 (paperback). Written by William Chamberlain and Thomas
   Etter. Some discussion of RACTER appears in A.K. Dewdney's book, "The
   Armchair Universe". The Macintosh version runs only on SEs and Pluses
   (it comes on a single-sided 400k copy-protected disk, with an old
   version of the system). Racter is also sold by the following
   mail-order software retailer: Mindware, 1803 Mission Street, Suite
   414, Santa Cruz, CA 95060-5292, phone 800-447-0477 (408-427-9455),
   fax 408-429-5302.  Mindware sells a variety of similar programs for
   MS-DOS and Windows, including Joseph Weintraub's PC Therapist.

Expert Systems:

   Free ftpable expert system shells are listed in the Expert Systems
   Shells FAQ, which is available by anonymous ftp from

Frame Systems:

     FrameWork   -- ftp.cs.cmu.edu:/user/ai/areas/kr/frames/framework/

     Theo        -- Contact: Tom.Mitchell@cs.cmu.edu

     FrameKit    -- Contact: Eric.Nyberg@cs.cmu.edu

     KR          -- Contact: Brad.Myers@cs.cmu.edu

     PARKA       -- Contact: spector@cs.umd.edu
                    Frames for the CM

     PARMENIDES (Frulekit) -- Contact: Peter.Shell@cs.cmu.edu 

     FROBS       -- cs.utah.edu:/pub/frobs.tar.Z
                    Contact: Robert Kessler <kessler@cs.utah.edu>

     PFC         -- linc.cis.upenn.edu: ??

     YAK         -- Contact: Enrico Franconi <franconi@irst.it>

Fuzzy Logic:

   FLIE    -- ural.ethz.ch:/robo/flie/   []
              Contact: vestli@ifr.ethz.ch
              Fuzzy Logic Inference Engine, Institute of Robotics, ETH.

   RICE (Routines for Implementing C Expert systems) is a fuzzy/MV logic
   inference engine written in C. A C++ front-end with classes is provided.
   Tested with Borland C/C++ 3.1, Microsoft C/C++ 7.00 and GCC 2.4.5;
   examples are included. Documentation is available in WP 5.1 format and 
   PostScript. Available by anonymous ftp from ntia.its.bldrdoc.gov and 
   ftp.cs.cmu.edu. For more info contact Rene' Jager, <R.Jager@ET.TUDelft.NL>.

   FuNeGen 1.0 is a fuzzy neural system capable of generating fuzzy
   classification systems (as C-code) from sample data.
   FuNeGen 1.0 and the papers/reports describing the application and the 
   theoretical background can be obtained by anonymous ftp from

Game Playing:

   METAGAME is a game-playing workbench for developing and playing
   metagame programs. It includes a generator for symmetric chess-like
   games; definitions of chess, checkers, chinese chess, shogi, lose
   chess, lose checkers, french checkers, and tic tac toe translated into
   symmetric chess-like games; a legal move generator; and a variety of
   player programs, from simple through sophisticated.  The METAGAME
   Workbench runs in Quintus or Sictus Prolog.  Available by anonymous
   ftp from 
      ftp.cl.cam.ac.uk:/users/bdp/metagame3a.tar.Z []
   For more information, contact Barney Pell <bdp@cl.cam.ac.uk> of the
   University of Cambridge Computer Laboratory.

Genetic Algorithms:

   SCS (Simple Classifier System) is a C port of the system from
   Appendix D of "Genetic Algorithms in Search, Optimization, and Machine
   Learning" by David E. Goldberg. It was ported to C by Erik Mayer
   <emayer@uoft02.utoledo.edu>. For more information, contact the author.

   SCS-C is another port to C of Goldberg's Simple Classifier System.
   It includes some extensions, and runs on Sun 10/30 and Atari ST. SCS-C
   is available via anonymous ftp as scs-c-0.98j.tar.Z from
   lumpi.informatik.uni-dortmund.de:/pub/LCS/src/ [].  The
   documentation alone is available as scs-c-doc.tar.Z in the directory
   /pub/LCS/docs/.  For more information, contact Joerg Heitkoetter
   <joke@ls11.informatik.uni-dortmund.de>, c/o Systems Analysis Group,
   LSXI, Department of Computer Science, University of Dortmund, D-44221
   Dortmund, Germany.

   GENITOR is available by anonymous ftp from the Colorado State
   University Computer Science Department in 
      beethoven.cs.colostate.edu:/pub/GENITOR.tar []
   For further information, contact starkwea@cs.colostate.edu or
   mathiask@cs.colostate.edu. If these fail to work, contact

   Other packages are described in detail in Nici Schraudolph's survey
   of free and commercial GA software (see the Genetic Algorithms
   Repository in [5-1]). Some of the free ones from Nici's list are
   summarized below. Many are available from the GA Repository.

     GAucsd      Genetic algorithms software 
                 cs.ucsd.edu:/pub/GAucsd/GAucsd14.ps.Z []
                 Contact GAucsd-request@cs.ucsd.edu
                 To be put on a mailing list of GAucsd users, send
                 the message "add GAucsd" to listserv@cs.ucsd.edu.

     GAbench     Genetic algorithms benchmarks and test problems  
                 Thomas Kammeyer (tkammeye@cs.ucsd.edu)

     EM          Evolution Machine (EM)
                     em_tc.exe (EM for Turbo C)
                     em_tcp.exe (EM for Turbo C++)
                     em_man.exe (the manual)
                 Joachim Born <born@max.fb10.tu-berlin.de>

     Genie       GA-based modeling/forecasting system
                 Lance Chambers <P_Stampoul@fennel.cc.uwa.oz.au>

     GENOCOP     GEnetic algorithm for Numerical Optimization for
                 COnstrained Problems. Optimizes function with any
                 number of linear constraints (equalities and inequalities)
     Genetic-2   Optimization package for the linear transportation problem.
     Genetic-2N  Optimization package for the nonlinear transportation problem.
                 All three were developed by Zbigniew Michalewicz and are
                 described in detail in his book "Genetic Algorithms + Data
                 Structures = Evolution Programs", Springer Verlag,
                 August 1992.
                    unccsun.uncc.edu:/coe/evol/ []
                    (also known as ftp.uncc.edu)
                 Zbigniew Michalewicz <zbyszek@unccvax.uncc.edu>

     WOLF        Simulator for G/SPLINES algorithm (genetic spline models)
                 David Rogers <drogers@riacs.edu>

     GAC, GAL    GA written in C/Lisp. Similar to John Grefenstette's Genesis.
                 Bill Spears <spears@aic.nrl.navy.mil>

     ESCaPaDE    Experiments with evolutionary algorithsm.
                 Frank Hoffmeister <iwan@ls11.informatik.uni-dortmund.de>
                 (Send mail with subject line "help" or "get ESCaPaDE")

     mGA1.0      Common Lisp implementation of a messy GA as described in
                 TCGA report 90004.
     SGA-C       C-language port and extension of the original Pascal
                 SGA code presented in Goldberg's book "Genetic
                 Algorithms in Search, Optimization & Machine
                 Learning", Addison Wesley, 1989. See TCGA report 91002.
     SGA-Cube    Goldberg's SGA code modified for nCUBE 2 hypercube
                 parallel computer.
                 All three are available by e-mail from 
                 Robert Elliott Smith <rob@comec4.mh.ua.edu>.

     BUGS        Demonstrates genetic algorithms.
                 Joshua Smith <jrs@santafe.edu>

     SGPC        Simple Genetic Programming in C
                 Walter Alden Tackett and Aviram Carmi (gpc@ipld01.hac.com)

     GENEsYs     lumpi.informatik.uni-dortmund.de:/pub/GA/src/ []
                 Use "ftp" as user name, e-mail address as password.
                 Thomas Baeck <baeck@ls11.informatik.uni-dortmund.de>

     GAGA        Jon Crowcroft <jon@cs.ucl.ac.uk>. cs.ucl.ac.uk:darpa/gaga.shar
     Splicer     Steve Bayer <bayer@galileo.jsc.nasa.gov>
     PARAGENESIS GA-Repository/e-mail Michael van Lent <vanlent@cs.utk.edu>
     GENESIS     GA-Repository/e-mail John Grefenstette <gref@aic.nrl.navy.mil>
     OOGA        GA-Repository/e-mail John Grefenstette <gref@aic.nrl.navy.mil>
     DGENESIS    Erick Cantu <ecantu@babbage.rhon.itam.mx> or 

     PGA         Parallel Genetic Algorithms testbed
                 ftp.dai.ed.ac.uk:/pub/pga-2.4/pga-2.4.tar.Z (
                 Peter Ross, peter@aisb.ed.ac.uk

     ANT         PC Version of 'John Muir Trail' experiment.
                 Patrick M Brennan <pbrennan@world.std.com>

   GPQUICK is a simple GP system implemented in C++.  It features an
   elegant object architecture with function (Function), program
   (Chrome), GA (Pop) and problem (Problem) classes.  The Problem class
   is proposed as a portable representation for problems that would be
   source compatible with a variety of other GP systems.  GPQUICK uses a
   steady state GA, tournament selection, one type of mutation, and
   subtree crossover.  It uses a fast, compact linear representation for
   S-expressions. It includes documentation from the associated magazine
   article (Byte, "Some Assembly Required", February 1994). GPQUICK is
   available by anonymous ftp from
   as the files gpquick.tar (unix version, tested with CC and g++) and
   gpquick.zip (PC/ANSI C version, tested with Borland 3.1).
   For more information, write to Andrew Singleton <p00396@psilink.com>.

   GENlib is a library of functions for genetic algorithms together with
   two applications of the library to train neural networks. The library
   is available by anonymous ftp from
   for academic research and educational purposes only. Commercial uses
   require written permission from the author. For more information,
   write to Jochen Ruhland <jochenr@neuro.informatik.uni-kassel.de>.


   Japan's Institute for New Generation Computer Technology (ICOT) has
   made their software available to the public free of charge.  The
   collection includes a variety of prolog-based programs in symbol
   processing, knowledge representation, reasoning and problem solving,
   natural language processing. All programs are available by anonymous
   ftp from ftp.icot.or.jp.  Note that most of the programs are written
   for the PSI machines, and very few have been ported to Unix-based
   emulators.  For further information, send email to ifs@icot.or.jp, or
   write to ICOT Free Software Desk, Institute for New Generation
   Computer Technology, 21st Floor, Mita Kokusai Bldg., 4-28, Mita
   1-chome, Minato-ku, Tokyo 108, Japan, fax +81-3-4456-1618.

Knowledge Representation:

   KNOWBEL -- ai.toronto.edu:/pub/kr/ as the files knowbel.tar.Z and
              Contact: Bryan M. Kramer, <kramer@ai.toronto.edu>
              Telos temporal/sorted logic system.

   SB-ONE  -- Contact: kobsa@inf-wiss.uni-konstanz.de
              KL-ONE family. Currently undergoing revision and will be
              renamed KN-PART+.
   KRIS    -- Contact: baader@dfki.uni-kl.de
              KL-ONE family (Symbolics only)
   BACK    -- Contact: back@cs.tu-berlin.de
                 Files are BACK_V52.intro and Back52.tar.Z
                 Tar file includes Tutorial/Manual in postscript format
                 and installation instructions.
              KL-ONE family
   CLASSIC -- Contact: dlm@research.att.com
              KL-ONE family
   MOTEL   -- Contact: hustadt@mpi-sb.mpg.de
              mpi-sb.mpg.de:/pub/tools/motel.tar.Z []
              Modal KL-ONE (contains KRIS as a kernel). 
              Implemented in Prolog.

   FOL GETFOL -- Contact: fausto@irst.it
              Weyrauch's FOL system

   COLAB/RELFUN  -- Contact: boley@informatik.uni-kl.de
                    Logic Programming
   COLAB/FORWARD -- Contact: hinkelma@dfki.uni-kl.de
                    Logic Programming
   COLAB/CONTAX  -- Contact: meyer@dfki.uni-kl.de
                    Constraint System for Weighted Constraints over
                    Hierarchically Structured Finite Domains.
   COLAB/TAXON   -- Contact: hanschke@dfki.uni-kl.de
                    Terminological Knowl. Rep. w/Concrete Domains

   SNePS (Semantic Network Processing System) is the implementation of a
   fully intensional theory of propositional knowledge representation and
   reasoning. SNePS includes a module for creating and accessing
   propositional semantic networks, path-based inference, node-based
   inference based on SWM (a relevance logic with quantification) that
   uses natural deduction and can deal with recursive rules, forward,
   backward and bi-directional inference, nonstandard logical connectives
   and quantifiers, an assumption based TMS for belief revision (SNeBR), a
   morphological analyzer and a generalized ATN (GATN) parser for parsing
   and generating natural language, SNePSLOG, a predicate-logic-style
   interface to SNePS, XGinseng, an X-based graphics interface for
   displaying, creating and editing SNePS networks, SNACTor, a
   preliminary version of the SNePS Acting component, and SNIP 2.2, a new
   implementation of the SNePS Inference Package that uses rule shadowing
   and knowledge migration to speed up inference.  SNeRE (the SNePS
   Rational Engine), which is part of Deepak Kumar's dissertation about
   the integration of inference and acting, will replace the current
   implementation of SNACTor.  SNePS is written in Common Lisp, and has
   been tested in Allegro CL 4.1, Lucid CL 4.0, TI Common Lisp, CLISP
   May-93, and CMU CL 17b. It should also run in Symbolics CL, AKCL 1.600
   and higher, VAX Common Lisp, and MCL. The XGinseng interface is built
   on top of Garnet.  SNePS 2.1 is free according to the GNU General
   Public License version 2. The SNePS distribution is available by
   anonymous ftp from 
      ftp.cs.buffalo.edu:/pub/sneps/  [] 
   as the file rel-x-yyy.tar.Z, where 'x-yyy' is the version. The other
   files in the directory are included in the distribution; they are
   duplicated to let you get them without unpacking the full distribution
   if you just want the bibliography or manual. If you use SNePS, please
   send a short message to shapiro@cs.buffalo.edu and
   snwiz@cs.buffalo.edu. Please also let them know whether you'd like to
   be added to the SNUG (SNePS Users Group) mailing list. 

   URANUS is a logic-based knowledge representation language. Uranus is
   an extension of Prolog written in Common Lisp and using the syntax of
   Lisp. Uranus extends Prolog with a multiple world mechanism for
   knowledge representation and term descriptions to provide
   functional programming within the framework of logic programming.
   It is available free by anonymous ftp from 
      etlport.etl.go.jp:/pub/uranus/ftp/ []
   for research purposes only.  For more information contact the author, 
   Hideyuki Nakashima <nakashim@etl.go.jp>.

Machine Learning:

   COBWEB/3 -- Contact: cobweb@ptolemy.arc.nasa.gov

   IND      -- Contact: NASA COSMIC, <service@cossack.cosmic.uga.edu>
               Tel: 706-542-3265 (ask for customer support)
               Fax: 706-542-4807
               IND is a C program for the creation and manipulation of
               decision trees from data, integrating the CART,
               ID3/C4.5, Buntine's smoothing and option trees, Wallace
               and Patrick's MML method, and Oliver and Wallace's MML
               decision graphs which extend the tree representation to
               graphs. Written by Wray Buntine, <wray@kronos.arc.nasa.gov>.

   AUTOCLASS -- Contact: taylor@ptolemy.arc.nasa.gov
               AutoClass is an unsupervised Bayesian classification system for
               independent data. 

   FOIL     -- ftp.cs.su.oz.au:/pub/ [] 
               as the files foil4.sh, foil5.sh, and foil6.sh.
               Each shell archive contains source, a brief manual,
               and several sample datasets. FOIL2 should be available
               from sumex-aim.stanford.edu:/pub/FOIL.sh. FOIL 6.0 now uses
	       ANSI C.
               Contact: J. Ross Quinlan <quinlan@cs.su.oz.au>
                        Mike Cameron-Jones <mcj@cs.su.oz.au>

   RWM      -- Contact: H. Altay Guvenir <guvenir@trbilun.bitnet>
               RWM is a program for learning problem solving strategies,
               written in Common Lisp (tested on Suns and NeXT).

   MOBAL is a system for developing operational models of application
   domains in a first order logic representation. It integrates a manual
   knowledge acquisition and inspection environment, an inference engine,
   machine learning methods for automated knowledge acquisition, and a
   knowledge revision tool.  By using MOBAL's knowledge acquisition
   environment, you can incrementally develop a model of your domain in
   terms of logical facts and rules.  You can inspect the knowledge you
   have entered in text or graphics windows, augment the knowledge, or
   change it at any time. The built-in inference engine can immediately
   execute the rules you have entered to show you the consequences of
   your inputs, or answer queries about the current knowledge. MOBAL also
   builds a dynamic sort taxonomy from your inputs. If you wish, you can
   use several machine learning methods to automatically discover
   additional rules based on the facts that you have entered, or to form
   new concepts. If there are contradictions in the knowledge base due to
   incorrect rules or facts, there is a knowledge revision tool to help
   you locate the problem and fix it.  MOBAL (release 3.0b) is available
   free for non-commercial academic use by anonymous ftp from
   The system runs on Sun SparcStations, SunOS 4.1, and includes a
   graphical interface implemented using Tcl/TK.

   PEBLS (Parallel Exemplar-Based Learning System) is a nearest-neighbor
   learning system designed for applications where the instances have
   symbolic feature values.  PEBLS has been applied to the prediction of
   protein secondary structure and to the identification of DNA promoter
   sequences. PEBLS 3.0 is written in ANSI C and is available by
   anonymous ftp from blaze.cs.jhu.edu:/pub/pebls/pebls.tar.Z
   [] for research purposes only. For more information,
   contact Steven Salzberg <salzberg@cs.jhu.edu>.

   OC1 (Oblique Classifier 1) is a multivariate decision tree induction
   system designed for applications where the instances have numeric
   feature values.  OC1 builds decision trees that contain linear
   combinations of one or more attributes at each internal node; these
   trees then partition the space of examples with both oblique and
   axis-parallel hyperplanes.  OC1 has been used for classification of
   data from several real world domains, such as astronomy and cancer
   diagnosis.  A technical decription of the algorithm can be found in
   the AAAI-93 paper by Sreerama K. Murthy, Simon Kasif, Steven Salzberg
   and Richard Beigel.  A postscript version of this paper is included in
   the distribution. OC1 is a written entirely in ANSI C. OC1 is
   available by anonymous ftp from  
      blaze.cs.jhu.edu:/pub/oc1/ []
   This distribution is provided for non-commercial purposes only. For
   more information, contact Sreerama K. Murthy <murthy@cs.jhu.edu>
   (primary contact), Steven Salzberg <salzberg@cs.jhu.edu>, or Simon
   Kasif <kasif@cs.jhu.edu>, Department of Computer Science, The Johns
   Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD 21218.

   Set-Enumeration (SE) Trees for Induction/Classification. Significant
   research in Machine Learning, and in Statistics, has been devoted to
   the induction and use of decision trees as classifiers.  An induction
   framework which generalizes decision trees using a Set-Enumeration
   (SE) tree is outlined in  
      Rymon, R. (1993), An SE-tree-based Characterization of the Induction
      Problem. In Proc. of the Tenth International Conference on Machine
      Learning, Amherst MA, pp. 268-275.
   In this framework, called SE-Learn, rather than splitting according to
   a single attribute, one recursively branches on all (or most) relevant
   attributes. An induced SE-tree can be shown to economically embed many
   decision trees, thereby supporting a more expressive hypothesis
   representation. Also, by branching on many attributes, SE-Learn
   removes much of the algorithm-dependent search bias. Implementations
   of SE-Learn can benefit from many techniques developed for decision
   trees (e.g., attribute-selection and pruning measures). In particular,
   SE-Learn can be tailored to start off with one's favorite decision
   tree, and then improve upon it by further exploring the SE-tree. This
   hill-climbing algorithm allows trading time/space for added accuracy.
   Current studies (yet unpublished) show that SE-trees are particularly
   advantageous in domains where (relatively) few examples are available
   for training, and in noisy domains. Finally, SE-trees can provide a
   unified framework for combining induced knowledge with knowledge
   available from other sources (Rymon, 1994).  
      Rymon, R. (1994), On Kernel Rules and Prime Implicants. To appear in
      Proc. of the Twelfth National Conference on Artificial Intelligence,
      Seattle WA.
   A Lisp implementation of SE-Learn is available from Ron Rymon
   <Rymon@ISP.Pitt.edu>. A commercial version in C is currently under

   MLC++ is a Machine Learning library of C++ classes being developed at
   Stanford.  More information about the library can be obtained at URL
   The utilities are available by anonymous ftp from
   They are currently provided only as object code for Sun, but source code
   will be distributed to sites that wish to port the code to other compilers.
   For more information write to Ronny Kohavi <ronnyk@CS.Stanford.EDU>.


   SymbMath is a "symbolic calculator that can solve symbolic math
   problems" written by Weiguang Huang <w.huang@unsw.edu.au>. It runs on
   IBM PCs (8086) under MS-DOS. Shareware versions are available by
   anonymous ftp from 
   from the URL
   or by e-mail from listserv@vm1.nodak.edu (listserv@ndsuvm1.bitnet). To
   subscribe to the symbmath@explode.unsw.edu.au mailing list, send email
   to majordomo@explode.unsw.edu.au with 
      subscribe symbmath
   in the message body.

Medical Reasoning:

   TMYCIN -- sumex-aix.stanford.edu:/tmycin  

Natural Language Processing:

   YACC      -- ftp.cs.cmu.edu:/user/ai/lang/lisp/code/parsing/lalr/
                Contact: Mark Johnson <mj@cs.brown.edu>
                Lisp YACC/Parser.

   BABBLER   -- Contact: rsf1@ra.msstate.edu
                Markov chains/NLP

   PENMAN    -- Contact: hovy@isi.edu
                Natural Language Generation.

   PC-KIMMO  -- msdos.archive.umich.edu:/msdos/linguistics/pckim105.zip
                An implementation of KIMMO morphological analyzer
                for the IBM PC. 

   FUF       -- Contact: elhadad@bengus.bgu.ac.il
              ftp: black.bgu.ac.il:/pub/fuf/fuf5.2.tar.Z
              Natural language generation system based on
              Functional Unification Grammars.
              Includes unifier, large grammar of English (surge)
              user manual and many examples.  Written in Common Lisp.
              [A WAM-based C compiler for FUF is in the works.]

   InterBASE -- Contact: Sergei Kuchin <kuchin@darmstadt.gmd.de>
                ftp: files interbas.exe, interba1.exe, interbas.txt on
                Natural language database front end

   RegEx    -- csd4.csd.uwm.edu:/pub/compilers/regex/
               Translates regular expressions to DFAs. Written in C.
               Mark Hopkins <markh@csd4.csd.uwm.edu>

   Tom      -- csd4.csd.uwm.edu:/pub/compilers/tomita/
               C implementation of the Tomita parsing algorithm
               Mark Hopkins <markh@csd4.csd.uwm.edu>

   Common Lisp versions of the miniature natural language understanding
   programs from "Inside Computer Understanding" by Schank and Riesbeck,
   1981, are available by anonymous ftp from 
   This includes the SAM and ELI miniatures. It will
   eventually include copies of the miniature versions of PAM, POLITICS,
   and Tale-Spin. The FOR macro is also available in this directory, as
   are a set of functions for manipulating and matching lisp
   representations of Conceptual Dependency formulas.  Contact Bill
   Andersen <waander@cs.umd.edu> for more information.

   The Link Parser is a highly efficient English parser written by Danny
   Sleator and Davy Temperley. It uses a novel grammatical formalism known
   as Link Grammar to represent a robust and diverse collection of
   English-language phenomena. The system is available by anonymous ftp from
   Read the README file for more information. To see an online demo of
   the parser, visit
   Further information can be found on Danny Sleator's web page,

   The Xerox part-of-speech tagger is available by anonymous ftp from
   parcftp.xerox.com:/pub/tagger/tagger-1-0.tar.Z. It is implemented in
   Common Lisp and has been tested in Allegro CL 4.1, CMU CL 16e, and
   Macintosh CL 2.0p2. For more information, contact the authors, Doug
   Cutting <cutting@parc.xerox.com>, and Jan Pedersen

   Eric Brill's trainable rule-based part of speech tagger (version 1.0.2)
   is available by anonymous ftp from 
   This tagger is based on transformation-based error-driven learning, a
   technique that has been effective in a number of natural language
   applications, including part of speech and word sense tagging,
   prepositional phrase attachment, and syntactic parsing.  For more
   information, you can obtain relevant papers in 
   If you do download the tagger and wish to be on the mailing list for
   future releases, bug reports, etc, please send mail to Eric Brill
   <brill@cs.jhu.edu> or <brill@goldilocks.lcs.mit.edu>.

   The Prolog and DCG programs from Pereira and Shieber's book, "Prolog
   and Natural Language Analysis", are available by anonymous ftp from
   das.harvard.edu:/pub/shieber/pnla/. See the file README for the
   conditions under which the material is distributed. If you retrieve
   the files, please send an email message to the authors letting them
   know how you plan to use them. For further information, write to
   Fernando Pereira <pereira@research.att.com> or Stuart Shieber

   LHIP is a left-head-corner island parser compiler. The system compiles
   grammar rules to Prolog code in much the same way as the Prolog DCG
   system does. The rules themselves are an extended version of the DCG
   rules, allowing optional constituents, negation, disjunction, the
   specification of adjacency, and the ability to mark multiple heads in
   a rule body.  It requires an Edinburgh style Prolog and is known to
   work in Sicstus 0.6. LHIP may be retrieved by anonymous ftp from
      issun14.unige.ch:/pub/lhip_v1.1.tar.Z []
   A more efficient version withou negation is also available:	
      issun14.unigh.ch:/pub/plhip_v1.0.tar.Z []
   Both are also available from:
   Please send a message to the author, Afzal Ballim <afzal@divsun.unige.ch>,
   to let him know that you're using the package.

   PAPPI is a Prolog-based natural language parser for theories in the
   Principles-and-Parameters framework. The PAPPI system includes an
   X Windows user interface and a sample implementation of classic GB
   theory. PAPPI is available by anonymous FTP from
   For more information, please contact Dr. Sandiway Fong

   Hdrug is an environment to develop logic grammars, parsers, and
   generators for natural languages.  The package comes with a number of
   example grammars, including a Categorial Grammar, a Tree Adjoining
   Grammar, a Unification Grammar in the spirit of Head-driven Phrase
   Structure Grammar, an Extraposition Grammar, a Definite Clause
   Grammar, and a port of the HPSG grammar from Bob Carpenter's ALE
   system. Each of the grammars comes with a set of parsers, such as 
   Earley-like chart parsers, left-corner parsers and head-driven
   parsers. Some grammars come with variants of the head-driven
   generator. The package allows easy comparison of different
   parsers/generators, extensive possibilities of compiling feature
   equations into Prolog terms, graphical (Tk), LaTeX and ordinary Prolog
   output of trees, feature structures and Prolog terms, and plotted
   graphs and tables of statistical information. Hdrug runs in Sicstus
   Prolog and requires ProTcl and Tcl/Tk. It is available by anonymous
   FTP from
   or by WWW from
   For more information, write to Gertjan van Noord <vannoord@let.rug.nl>.

Neural Networks:

   A draft review of roughly 40 neurosimulators is available by anonymous
   ftp from
   as the file neurosim1.ps.Z (text version in neurosim1.txt and
   WordPerfect 5.1 version in neurosim1.w51.Z). The review will appear in
   the "Handbook of Brain Research and Neural Networks" (MIT Press, 1995).
   Please send comments to Dr. Jacob M.J. Murre <jaap.murre@mrc-apu.cam.ac.uk>.

   Aspirin/MIGRAINES is a neural network simulator available free from the
   MITRE Corporation. It contains a neural network simulation code generator
   which generates high performance C code implementations for
   backpropagation networks. It runs on the following platforms: Apollo,
   Convex, Cray, DecStation, HP, IBM RS/6000, Intel 486/386 (Unix System V),
   NeXT, News, Silicon Graphics Iris, Sun3, Sun4, Mercury i860 (40MHz)
   Coprocessors, Meiko Computing Surface w/i860 (40MHz) Nodes, Skystation
   i860 (40MHz) Coprocessors, and iWarp Cells. The software is available by
   anonymous ftp from the CMU simulator collection on pt.cs.cmu.edu
   ( in the directory /afs/cs/project/connect/code (you must
   cd to this directory in one atomic operation) and UCLA's cognitive
   science collection on ftp.cognet.ucla.edu [] in the
   directory alexis as the file am6.tar.Z, am6.readme, am6.notes. They
   include many examples in the release, include an implementation of NETtalk.
   For more information, contact Russell Leighton <taylor@world.std.com> 
   or <leighton@mitre.org>. [As of 7/7/93, the mitre email address bounced.]

   MUME (Multi-Module Neural Computing Environment) is a simulation
   environment for multi-modules neural computing. It provides an object
   oriented facility for the simulation and training of multiple nets
   with various architectures and learning algorithms.  The object
   oriented structure makes simple the addition of new network classes
   and new learning algorithms. MUME includes a library of network
   architectures including feedforward, simple recurrent, and
   continuously running recurrent neural networks.  Each architecture is
   supported by a variety of learning algorithms, including backprop,
   weight perturbation, node perturbation, and simulated annealing.  MUME
   can be used for large scale neural network simulations as it provides
   support for learning in multi-net environments. It also provide pre-
   and post-processing facilities.  MUME can be used to include
   non-neural computing modules (decision trees, etc.) in applications. _
   MUME is being developed at the Machine Intelligence Group at Sydney
   University Electrical Engineering. The software is written in 'C' and
   is being used on Sun and DEC workstations. Efforts are underway to
   port it to the Fujitsu VP2200 vector processor using the VCC
   vectorising C compiler, HP 9000/700, SGI workstations, DEC
   Alphas, and PC DOS (with DJGCC). MUME is available to research
   institutions on a media/doc/postage cost arrangement after
   signing a license agreement. The license agreement is available by
   anonymous ftp from mickey.sedal.su.oz.au:/pub/license.ps [].
   An overview of mume is available from the same machine as
   /pub/mume-overview.ps.Z. It is also available free for MSDOS by
   anonymous ftp from 
   For further information, write to Marwan Jabri, SEDAL, Sydney
   University Electrical Engineering, NSW 2006 Australia, 
   call +61-2-692-2240, fax +61-2-660-1228, or send email to
   Marwan Jabri <marwan@sedal.su.oz.au>. To be added to the mailing
   list, send email to mume-request@sedal.su.oz.au.

   Adaptive Logic Network (ALN) 
   The atree adapative logic network simulation package is available by
   anonymous ftp from 
      ftp.cs.ualberta.ca:pub/atree/ [] 
   as the file atree2.tar.Z (Unix). The MS-Windows 3.x version for the
   IBM PC is available as either atre27.exe (includes C/C++ sources) or
   a27exe.exe (just the executables).  The PC version has a lot more
   documentation than the Unix version. The Unix version has been ported
   to the Macintosh, Amiga, and other machines.  Documentation is in
   atree2.ps.Z. Also in this directory is a rather impressive OCR demo
   using atree. To be added to the mailing list, send email to
   alnl-request@cs.ualberta.ca. For more information, contact William W.
   Armstrong, <arms@cs.ualberta.ca>.

   Neural network simulator. Other files of interest. Executables are
   free; source code for a small fee.
   gmuvax2.gmu.edu:nn [no longer there?]

   Availible by anonymous ftp from 
      quanta.eng.ohio-state.edu:/pub/NeuralShell/ []
   as the file NeuralShell.tar. [No longer available, due to an
   alleged trademark infringement.]

   A neural network definition language.

   Available from ftp.cs.rochester.edu:/pub/packages/simulator [].
   Includes a backprop package and an X11/SunView interface.

   retina.cs.ucla.edu:/pub/sfinx_v2.0.tar.Z []
   Use username sfinxftp, password joshua. Contact sfinx@retina.cs.ucla.edu
   for more information.

   A neural network simulator from Drew van Camp at the University
   of Toronto. It provides a library of routines for building networks
   and graphically displaying them. Written in C and uses the X window
   system for graphics. Example simulators include Back Propagation,
   Recurrent Back Propagation, Boltzmann Machine, Mean Field Theory, Free
   Energy Manipulation, Kohonnen Net, and Hard and Soft Competitive
   Learning. Xerion runs on SGI Personal Iris, SGI 4d, Sun3 (SunOS), Sun4
   (SunOS). Available by anonymous ftp from 
   See the file /pub/xerion.README for more information. Also included
   is a little program called sciam that contains the basic kernel that
   was published in the September 1992 issue of Scientific American.
   To be added to the mailing list, send mail to xerion-request@ai.toronto.edu.
   Bugs should be reported to xerion-bugs@ai.toronto.edu. Complaints, 
   suggestions or comments may be sent to xerion@ai.toronto.edu.

   SNNS (Stuttgart Neural Network Simulator) is a software simulator for
   neural networks on Unix workstations developed at the Institute for
   Parallel and Distributed High Performance Systems (IPVR) at the
   University of Stuttgart. The SNNS simulator contains a simultor kernel
   written in ANSI C and a 2D/3D graphical user interface running under
   X11R4/X11R5. It runs under Sun Sparc (SLC, ELC, SS2, GX, GS), DECstation
   (2100, 3100, 5000/200), IBM RS 6000, HP 9000, and IBM-PC (386/486). SNNS
   includes the following learning procedures: backpropagation (online,
   batch, with momentum and flat spot elimin., time delay),
   counterpropagation, quickprop, backpercolation 1, and generalized radial
   basis functions (RBF), RProp, recurrent ART1, ART2 and ARTMAP, Cascade
   Correlation and Recurrent Cascade Correlation, Dynamic LVQ, and Time
   delay networks (TDNN). (Elman networks and some other network paradigms
   have already been implemented but are scheduled for a later release.)
   The SNNS simulator can be obtained via anonymous ftp from
   ftp.informatik.uni-stuttgart.de:/pub/SNNS/SNNSv2.1.tar.Z [].
   The PostScript version of the user manual can be obtained as file
   SNNSv2.1.Manual.ps.Z.  To be added to the mailing list, send a message
   to listserv@informatik.uni-stuttgart.de with "subscribe snns <Your Full
   Name>" in the message body. Submissions may be sent to
   snns@informatik.uni-stuttgart.de. For further information, contact
   Andreas Zell, <zell@informatik.uni-stuttgart.de>.

   The Neocognitron Simulator is written in C and is available by
   anonymous ftp from 
      tamsun.tamu.edu:/pub/neocognitron.tar.Z [] 

   PLANET (aka SunNet)
   Simulator that runs under X Windows. Written by Yoshiro Miyata
   <miyata@sccs.chukyo-u.ac.jp> of Chukyo University, Japan.
   Available by anonymous ftp from 
    tutserver.tut.ac.jp:/pub/misc/PlaNet5.7.tar.Z  []
    boulder.colorado.edu:/pub/generic-sources/PlaNet5.7.tar.Z []
   Includes documentation. 

   LVQ_PAK (Learning Vector Quantization) and SOM_PAK (Self-Organizing Maps)
   were written by the LVQ/SOM Programming Team of the Helsinki
   University of Technology, Laboratory of Computer and Information
   Science, Rakentajanaukio 2 C, SF-02150 Espoo, FINLAND. The PAKs
   run in Unix and MS-DOS systems. Available by anonymous ftp from
      cochlea.hut.fi:/pub/lvq_pak/ [] 

   ToolDiag is a feature selection program that increases the accuracy of
   classifiers and reduces their complexity by providing them with a
   subset containing only the most relevant features. It has interfaces
   to LVQ_PAK and SNNS, and uses a data file format that is compatible
   with that of LVQ_PAK. The 2-d graphics can be displayed using the
   GNUPLOT plotting package. ToolDiag implements many concepts from
   Devijver and Kittler's book "Pattern Recognition -- A Statistical
   Approach" (Prentice Hall, 1982), including the optimal branch and
   bound search strategy, together with several different selection
   criteria. ToolDiag can also perform an error estimation using the
   leave-one-out method and a K-nearest-neighbor classifier. It also
   includes a learning module (Q*) that has the same functionality as
   LVQ. ToolDiag cannot handle missing values and requires continuous or
   ordered discrete numerical features. ToolDiag is implemented in C and
   documentation and source code are available by anonymous ftp from 
   For more information, contact Thomas Rauber <tr@fct.unl.pt>.

   ftp.cs.colorado.edu:/pub/cs/misc/   []
   as the file Mactivation-3.3.sea.hqx.          

   A Macintosh-based Neural Network Simulator with a nice graphical
   interface. Available by anonymous ftp from
      dartvax.dartmouth.edu:/pub/mac/dartnet.sit.hqx [] 
   or by email from bharucha@dartmouth.edu.  New network architectures
   and learning algorithms can be added to the system by writing small
   XCMD-like CODE resources called nDEF's ("Network Definitions").  For
   more information, send email to Sean P. Nolan,
   <sean@coos.dartmouth.edu>. [As of 7/7/93, email bounced.]

   NevProp is a C implementation of general purpose backpropagation
   software, based on Quickprop 1.0 by Scott Fahlman, as translated from
   Common Lisp into C by Terry Regier. It runs on Unix, Macintosh, and
   DOS. The quickprop algorithm itself has not changed substantially, but
   it now includes options to force gradient descent (per-epoch or
   per-pattern), generalization & stopped training, c index, and interface 
   enhancements. It is available by anonymous ftp from 
      unssun.scs.unr.edu:/pub/goodman/nevpropdir/ []
   as the file npxxx.shar (replace xxx with the version number) or
   from the CMU Simulator Collection. For further information, contact
   Phil Goodman <goodman@unr.edu>. 

   TCS (Tasmanian Connectionist Simulator) is a neural network
   simulation package written in Borland C++ for Windows available by
   anonymous ftp from 
     ftp.psychol.utas.edu.au:/pub/tcs []
   For further information, write to Zoltan Schreter Dept. Psychology
   University of Tasmania Hobart, Tasmania AUSTRALIA,

   The HYPERPLANE ANIMATOR is a program that allows convenient graphical
   display of the training data and weights in a back-propagation neural
   network.  As learning progresses and the weights in a neural net
   alter, the hyperplane positions move.  At the end of the training they
   are in positions that roughly divide training data into partitions,
   each of which contains only one class of data.  Observations of
   hyperplane movement can yield valuable insights into neural network
   learning.  The Animator, developed by Lori Pratt and Steve Nicodemus
   of the Colorado School of Mines, uses the Motif toolkit on an IBM
   RS6000 with X-Windows.  The system currently animates only hyperplanes
   representing input-to-hidden weights.  The animator is available by
   anonymous ftp from
      mines.colorado.edu:/pub/software/hyperplane-animator/ []
   as the file hyperplane-animator.tar. An openwindows version of the
   animator is available by anonymous ftp from
   For more information, write to lpratt@mines.colorado.edu.

   SUZY is a simple neural net classifier system for PCs written in C++
   and Turbo Vision. RBFs are used to implement the classifier system
   with a class-based algorithm being applied to find the centres and
   radii of the RBS units. The program is not intended for any serious
   applications and is quite slow, but may be of interest to some people.
   It is available by anonymous ftp from
      rhino.cis.vutbr.cz:/pub/software/ai/suzy.tar.Z []
   For further information, contact tgrove@psycho.fme.vutbr.cz.

   MBP (Matrix Back Propagation) is an efficient implementation of the
   back-propagation algorithm for current-generation workstations.  The
   algorithm includes a per-epoch adaptive technique for gradient
   descent.  All the computations are done through matrix multiplications
   and make use of highly optimized C code. The goal is to reach almost
   peak-performances on RISCs with superscalar capabilities and fast
   caches.  On some machines (and with large networks) a 30-40x speed-up
   can be measured respect to conventional implementations.  
   The software is available by anonymous ftp from
      risc6000.dibe.unige.it:/pub/ []
   as MBPv1.1.tar.Z (unix version) and MBPv11.zip (DOS version).  The
   documentation is included in the distribution as the postscript file
   mbpv11.ps. For more information, contact Davide Anguita
   <anguita@dibe.unige.it> or <anguita@icsi.berkeley.edu>.

   THE BRAIN is a neural network (backpropagation) simulator for MSDOS
   systems. It is simple enough to be used by non-technical people,
   yet sophisticated enough for serious research work. It is available
   by anonymous ftp from 
     ftp.technion.ac.il:/pub/unsupported/dos/local/     []
     ftp.tu.clausthal.de:/pub/msdos/misc/               []
   as the file brain12.zip. For more information, write to
   David Perkovic <dpc@mep.com> or <perkovic@cleese.apana.org.au>.
   PO Box 712, Noarlunga Center SA 5168, Australia.

Neural Systems (Biological Simulation):

   BIOSIM is a biologically-oriented neural network simulator.  It
   implements four neuron models: a simple model only switching ion
   channels on and off, the original Hodgkin-Huxley model, the SWIM model
   (a modified HH model) and the Golowasch-Buchholz model (the most
   enhanced model). Dendrites consist of a chain of segments without
   bifurcation.  It is in the public domain and runs on Unix workstations
   (a less-powerful PC version is also available). BIOSIM includes a
   graphical user interface and was designed for research and teaching.
   It is available by anonymous ftp from
      ftp.uni-kl.de:/pub/bio/neurobio []
   For more information, write to Stefan Bergdoll <bergdoll@zxa.basf-ag.de>.

   GENESIS (GEneral NEural SImulation System) is a general purpose
   simulation platform which supports the simulation of neural systems
   ranging from complex models of single neurons to simulations of large
   networks made up of more abstract neuronal components.  Most current
   GENESIS applications involve realistic simulations of biological
   neural systems.  Although the software can also model more abstract
   networks, other simulators are more suitable for backpropagation and
   similar connectionist modeling.  GENESIS and its graphical front-end
   XODUS are written in C and run on SUN and DEC graphics work stations
   under UNIX (Sun version 4.0 and up, Ultrix 3.1, 4.0 and up), and
   X-windows (versions X11R3, X11R4, and X11R5).  The current version of
   GENESIS has also been used with Silicon Graphics (Irix 4.0.1 and up)
   and the HP 700 series (HPUX).  The distribution includes full source
   code and documentation for both GENESIS and XODUS as well as fourteen
   demonstration and tutorial simulations.  Documentation for these
   simulations is included, along with three papers that describe the
   general organization of the simulator.  GENESIS is available by
   anonymous ftp from genesis.cns.caltech.edu ( Before
   using ftp, you must telnet to genesis.cns.caltech.edu and login as the
   user "genesis" (no password required) to register.  If you answer all
   the questions asked of you an 'ftp' account will automatically be
   created for you.  You can then 'ftp' back to the machine and download
   the software.  Further inquiries concerning GENESIS may be addressed
   to genesis@cns.caltech.edu.

Probabilistic Reasoning:

   BELIEF is a Common Lisp implementation of the Dempster and Kong fusion
   and propagation algorithm for Graphical Belief Function Models and the
   Lauritzen and Spiegelhalter algorithm for Graphical Probabilistic
   Models. It includes code for manipulating graphical belief models such
   as Bayes Nets and Relevance Diagrams (a subset of Influence Diagrams)
   using both belief functions and probabilities as basic representations
   of uncertainty. It is available by anonymous ftp from
      ftp.stat.washington.edu []
   and by email from the author, Russell Almond <almond@stat.washington.edu>.
   Contact the author at almond@statsci.com for information about a
   commercial version GRAPHICAL-BELIEF currently in the prototype stages.

   IDEAL is a LISP system developed for building and evaluating influence
   diagrams and Bayesian networks.  It is accompanied with a graphical
   user interface (CLIM-based) for constructing, editing, and solving
   belief networks and influence diagrams. For more information, write
   to srinivas@rpal.rockwell.com.


   NONLIN   -- cs.umd.edu:/pub/nonlin (
               Contact: nonlin-users-request@cs.umd.edu

   AbTweak is a complete hierarchical, non-linear planner that extends
   David Chapman's (MIT 1986) "Tweak" planner as described by
   Yang (Waterloo) and Tenenberg (Rochester) in 1989.  This implementation
   by Steven Woods (1991 Masters Thesis) includes a complete search 
   strategy suited to abstraction hierarchies known as LEFT-WEDGE (Woods 1991).
   This planner and related work predates that of SNLP. AbTweak has a 
   WWW homepage containing source & related papers accessible on 
   AbTweak is also available by anonymous FTP from 
   For more information send mail to Qiang Yang <qyang@logos.uwaterloo.ca>. 

   RHETORICAL -- ftp.cs.rochester.edu:/pub/packages/knowledge-tools
               Contact: Brad Miller <miller@cs.rochester.edu>

   SNLP     -- cs.washington.edu:/pub/snlp.tar.Z
               Contact: weld@cs.washington.edu
               Nonlinear planner.

   IDM      -- sauquoit.gsfc.nasa.gov (
               Contact: idm-users@chelmsford.gsfc.nasa.gov
               STRIPS-like planning.

   PRODIGY  -- Contact: prodigy@cs.cmu.edu
               Integrated Planning and Learning System

   SOAR     -- ftp.cs.cmu.edu:
                 /afs/cs.cmu.edu/project/soar/public/Soar5/ -- Lisp Version
                 /afs/cs.cmu.edu/project/soar/public/Soar6/ -- C Version
               Contact: soar-request@cs.cmu.edu
               Integrated Agent Architecture. 
               Supports learning through chunking.

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