[1-0] What is the purpose of this newsgroup?

The newsgroup comp.ai exists for general discussion of topics related
to Artificial Intelligence. For example, possible topics can
include (but are not necessarily limited to):
   announcements of AI books and products
   discussion of AI programs and tools
   questions about AI techniques
   problems implementing an AI technique
Postings should be of general interest to the AI community. See also
part 2 of the FAQ for a list of other more specialized discussion lists.

Every so often, somebody posts an inflammatory message, such as
   Will computers every really think?
   AI hasn't done anything worthwhile.
These "religious" issues serve no real purpose other than to waste
bandwidth. If you feel the urge to respond to such a post, please do
so through a private e-mail message, or post redirecting follow-ups to

We've tried to minimize the overlap with the FAQ postings to the
comp.lang.lisp, comp.lang.prolog, comp.ai.neural-nets, and
comp.ai.shells newsgroups, so if you don't find what you're looking
for here, we suggest you try the FAQs for those newsgroups. These FAQs
should be available by anonymous ftp in subdirectories of
or by sending a mail message to mail-server@rtfm.mit.edu with subject "help".

The Lisp FAQ is also available by anonymous ftp from the same ftp
location as the AI FAQ and from ftp.think.com:/public/think/lisp/.
The Expert Systems Shells FAQ is also available by anonymous ftp from
the same ftp location as the AI FAQ. 

Information about Prolog may be obtained from two sources: The Prolog
FAQ, which is posted twice a month to the newsgroup comp.lang.prolog
by Jamie Andrews <jamie@cs.sfu.ca>, and the Prolog Resource Guide,
which is posted to the newsgroup comp.lang.prolog once a month, and is
available by anonymous FTP from 
   ftp.cs.cmu.edu:/user/ai/pubs/faqs/prolog/ [] 
or in the AFS directory 
as the files prg_1.faq and prg_2.faq.

The Robotics FAQ is available by anonymous ftp from 
   ftp.cs.cmu.edu:/user/nivek/robotics-faq/ []
as the files part1 and part2. To obtain a copy by email, send a message to 
mail-server@rtfm.mit.edu containing the following lines:
   send usenet/news.answers/robotics-faq/part1
   send usenet/news.answers/robotics-faq/part2
On UUCP, it is available at 
as the files part1.Z and part2.Z, or by ftp from 
   ftp.uu.net:/archive/usenet/news.answers/robotics-faq/ []

Information about object-oriented programming can be obtained in the
newsgroups comp.object, comp.lang.clos, and comp.lang.smalltalk.
Information about object-oriented databases can be obtained in the
survey compiled by Stewart Clamen, which may be found either in the
comp.object FAQ posting, by anonymous FTP from
or at the URL

The Neurosciences Internet Resource Guide is available by 
anonymous ftp from
and by WWW from
in text (ascii) form. A hypertext version of the guide suitable for
viewing using Mosaic is available from
For more information, contact Steve Bonario and Sheryl Cormicle
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