[1-1] History of AI.

For an online timeline of artificial intelligence milestones, see

The appendix to Ray Kurzweil's book "Intelligent Machines" (MIT Press,
1990, ISBN 0-262-11121-7, $39.95) gives a timeline of the history of AI.

Pamela McCorduck, "Machines Who Think", Freeman, San Francisco, CA, 1979.

Allen Newell, "Intellectual Issues in the History of Artificial
Intelligence", Technical Report CMU-CS-82-142, Carnegie Mellon
University Computer Science Department, October 28, 1982.

See also:

   Charniak and McDermott's book "Introduction to Artificial Intelligence",
   Addison-Wesley, 1985 contains a number of historical pointers.

   Daniel Crevier, "AI: The Tumultuous History of the Search for
   Artificial Intelligence", Basic Books, New York, 1993.

   Henry C. Mishkoff, "Understanding Artificial Intelligence", 1st edition,
   Howard W. Sams & Co., Indianapolis, IN, 1985, 258 pages, 
   ISBN 0-67227-021-8 $14.95.

   Margaret A. Boden, "Artificial Intelligence and Natural Man", 2nd edition,
   Basic Books, New York, 1987, 576 pages.
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