[1] AI-related Newsgroups

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comp.ai                      Artificial Intelligence
comp.ai.alife                Artificial Life
comp.ai.edu                  AI and Education
comp.ai.fuzzy                Fuzzy Logic. Gatewayed to NAFIPS-L and Fuzzy-Mail.
comp.ai.games                AI in Games and Game Playing
comp.ai.genetic              Genetic Algorithms      
comp.ai.nat-lang	     Natural Language Processing (unmoderated)
comp.ai.nlang-know-rep       Natural Language and Knowledge Representation 
comp.ai.neural-nets          Neural Networks
comp.ai.philosophy           Philosophical Foundations of AI
comp.ai.shells               Expert System Shells
comp.robotics                Robotics
comp.speech                  Speech related research, including speech
                             recognition and synthesis.  
comp.ai.vision               Vision Research. Also available through 
                             the Vision List Digest (see [45] below).
comp.ai.doc-analysis.ocr     Optical Character Recognition
comp.ai.doc-analysis.misc    Other document analysis

comp.theory.info-retrieval   Information Retrieval
comp.cog-eng                 Cognitive Engineering
sci.cognitive                Cognitive Science
sci.psychology.research      Psychology. Bi-directionally gatewayed to
                             the psy-research mailing list; send mail to
                             to subscribe.
comp.simulation              Simulation
sci.lang		     Linguistics
sci.math.symbolic            Symbolic Math
sci.virtual-worlds           Virtual Reality. Also available through
			     the bi-directional gateway, VIRTU-L on
comp.theory.cell-automata    Cellular Automata
comp.theory.self-org-sys     Self-organizing systems
comp.ai.jair.announce        Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research
comp.ai.jair.papers	     Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research

AI Programming Languages

comp.constraints             Constraint Processing 
comp.lang.clos               Common Lisp Object System
comp.lang.dylan              Dylan
comp.lang.functional         Functional Programming Languages
comp.lang.lisp               Common Lisp
comp.lang.lisp.franz         Franz Lisp
comp.lang.lisp.mcl           Macintosh Common Lisp
comp.lang.lisp.x             XLisp
comp.lang.ml		     Standard ML. Gatewayed to sml-list@cs.cmu.edu.
comp.lang.prolog             Prolog and Logic Programming
comp.lang.scheme             Scheme
comp.lang.scheme.c           MIT C Scheme
comp.lang.smalltalk          Smalltalk
comp.lang.pop                POPLOG integrated programming language &
			     environment for Lisp, Prolog, ML and Pop11
comp.object                  Object Oriented Programming 
comp.object.logic	     Integrating Object-Orientend and Logic Paradigms
comp.org.lisp-users          Association of Lisp Users
comp.std.lisp                Lisp Standards

aicom mcvax!swivax!otten@uunet.uu.net        International Usenet AI news

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