[1a] AI-related Newsgroup Archives

Of the newsgroups listed in [1], the following are archived on a weekly basis
in appropriate subdirectories of
as gzipped tar files:
   comp.ai, comp.ai.alife, comp.ai.edu, comp.ai.fuzzy, comp.ai.genetic,
   comp.ai.jair.announce, comp.ai.jair.papers, comp.ai.nat-lang,
   comp.ai.neural-nets, comp.ai.nlang-know-rep, comp.ai.philosophy,
   comp.ai.shells, comp.ai.vision, comp.constraints, comp.lang.clos,
   comp.lang.dylan, comp.lang.lisp, comp.lang.lisp.franz,
   comp.lang.lisp.mcl, comp.lang.lisp.x, comp.lang.prolog,
   comp.lang.scheme, comp.lang.smalltalk, comp.object.logic,
   comp.org.lisp-users, comp.robotics, comp.speech, comp.std.lisp,
   comp.sys.ti.explorer, comp.sys.xerox, sci.lang.

comp.ai.fuzzy is also archived on the Aptronix FuzzyNet and TIL
mail-servers (see [5-2]). 

comp.robotics is also archived at the anonymous ftp site
Read the files AuthorIndex and SubjectIndex first.

comp.speech is also archived by anonymous ftp at
   svr-ftp.eng.cam.ac.uk:/comp.speech/archive/ []
Other useful information is archived in 
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